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Love Scout Episode5

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댓글 0건 조회 487회 작성일 25-01-18 11:43


This episode depicts the deepening of Kang's relationship with Yoo Eun-ho. After waking up drunk for a while at the end of the fourth episode, Ji-yoon praised Eun-ho's handsome face and fell on his shoulder, unfortunately, the kiss does not continue. Afterwards, Ji-yoon appears confused as her memories with Eun-ho are cut off from time to time.

Ji-yoon, who encounters Eun-ho while trying to pick up a pen during a meeting, is embarrassed as memories of last night overlap. Later, Ji-yoon stops by a book store to read a book about her dream, where she meets 7-year-old Byul again. Byul likes Ji-yoon and calls her sister.

Meanwhile, Jin Sung-ho, CEO of the online luxury platform Deluxe Line, will request a general appraiser and leave it to Lee Kwang-hee of Team 1. Lee Kwang-hee becomes troubled because her client's coveted candidate is lost to her competitor. After receiving advice from Eun-ho, Lee Kwang-hee starts searching for candidates again among luxury repairmen.

Ji-yoon sees a sticker she finds on Eun-ho's phone and asks Eun-ho if she is back at work that day. Eun-ho decides not to remember as Ji-yoon said, and the two decide to maintain their current relationship.

Ji-yoon finds a luxury repair expert with 37 years of experience and decides to give him time to understand what he feels burdened by. On Friday, Eun-ho and Ji-yoon get free time as Byul and Seo-jun go out as a group at kindergarten. Eun-ho wants to feed Ji-yoon home-cooked meals and invites her company family members to her house. Ji-yoon comes to Eun-ho's house because she doesn't know about the cancellation of the meeting in the group chat room, and she unintentionally spends the Friday night alone.

Eun-ho is happy to see Ji-yoon and is depicted getting closer, understanding each other's wounds. After that, Eun-ho, who calls Byul, enters the room and talks on the phone, and in the meantime, Ji-yoon falls into a deep sleep. Ji-yoon, who has severe insomnia, is impressive to see her sleep deeply when she is with Eun-ho.

The next day, Jiyoon wakes up late and tries to rush back, panicking, when she runs into Byul in the elevator.


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Total 262건 1 페이지
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