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Motel California Episode 4

페이지 정보

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댓글 0건 조회 485회 작성일 25-01-20 11:37


After dreaming that she is only waiting for her, Yeonsu decides to go down to Hana-eup. After being injured in a car accident on the way down, Hwang Jeong-gu decided to double the incentive and move with Seok-kyung. They set their accommodation 30 minutes away from downtown and decide not to call each other's names. Kanghee is called Imja, and she is embarrassed to first find out that Motel California is the site.

Kang-hee introduces herself as an interior designer and meets Chun-pil. Chun-pil does not realize that she is his daughter, and playfully tells her to trust Hwang to proceed. Golden Park then introduces that it is a company that promotes the branding of motels into hotels, and Chun-pil is amazed by Kang-hee's idea. Chun-pil is emotional and leaves the office at the fact that Kang-hee remembers the dreams she shared with her father when she was young.

After finishing a meeting with her father, Kang-hee accidentally encounters Yeon-soo in a car accident. Yeon-soo asks why Kang-hee came down, and says that she came as the head of remodeling the Boomerang Hotel. Yeon-soo recalls that Kang-hee was a savior, not her first love, and expresses her gratitude for his efforts for her as a child.

Later, rumors about Geum Seok-kyung, Kang-hee's boyfriend, began to spread. Yeonsu sets out to check the rumors, and Kanghee sees Nan-woo, Yeonsu's junior, and thinks that he is pretty. Nan-woo tells Kang-hee about his love for animals and describes a real adult who can be trusted and relied on.

Yeon-su follows Geum Seok-kyung and sees him treating the dog, and she is surprised by how he is different from the rumors. Kang-hee finds out that Yeon-su has helped treat the dog in a video clip sent by Nan-woo, so she goes around looking for him. Kang-hee comes home drunk and drunk, and Yeon-su takes care of her and stays by her side.

Seok-kyung, who has been to Seoul since then, calls the police when she can't get in touch with Kang-hee, and goes to Motel California to find her. Seok-kyung learns that Yeonsu and Nan-woo live together in a motel, and she wonders if Kang-hee is going to marry Yeonsu.

Kang-hee feels a bittersweet feeling about Nan-woo taking care of Yeon-soo, and sneaks out when she sees Yeon-woo enter an ice cream store with him. Kang-hee talks to herself, unable to organize her feelings and situations. Yeon-soo appears and worries when she sees Kang-hee's tears, and their emotions become more complicated.


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Total 262건 1 페이지
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