The Queen Who Crowns Episode 5 > news

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The Queen Who Crowns Episode 5

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댓글 0건 조회 491회 작성일 25-01-21 11:42


Bang-won makes extreme choices to save Young-sil, and shows off his power by stabbing her with a dagger. Bang-won communicates his intentions to Young-sil by saying, "I won't die, but live as if I were dead," which reveals how self-centered he is. Young-sil has hope that he will not die according to Bang-won's words, but he simply treats her as a dead woman, not as his own.

Won-kyung emphasizes that the concubine's duty is not just giving birth, and says that Young-sil must survive on her own to protect herself. This clearly shows the essential difference between Won-kyung and Young-sil. Won-kyung tells Young-sil that "it is only you who can save you," and urges her to stand on her own.

Chaeryeong announces that the war between the high priest and the heavy horse has begun, emphasizing the power of the Jungjeon and the Min clan at the center of Kwonshin. As Bang-won saves Yeongsil, Min's brothers' concerns arise that Jungjeon's position will be weakened even further. Bang-won calls Kwon Hong's daughter, Gwonseon, into the palace and insists that a powerful concubine is needed to keep the concubine in check. Lee Sook-beon emphasizes that Gwonseon will be the way to protect the palace by gaining power.

Young-sil goes to Bang-won on the back of the palace and cries to destroy the authority, but Bang-won does not like it. The Min brothers go wild and ridicule each other at the news of Kwon Hong's wedding as the concubine. Won-kyung watches this situation and is wary of the alienation between Bang-won and the Min family, and insists that the woman should be given a rest to the king. Won-kyung is worried that if the new concubine gives birth to a prince, the blood wind that Bang-won has suffered will not blow again, and she is determined to protect the children.

Won-kyung reveals her anguish and determination by saying, "In Joseon I made, please live as a woman of Joseon. I would rather die as a woman of Goryeo." Chaeryeong shows her willingness to have a prince because there is no one around her, but she decides not to include women. This conflict intensifies the confrontation between her and Won-kyung.

King Taesang orders the powers of the spirits to be cut off, but Bang-won, who knows that the Mins are at the center, judges that he cannot cut off the Jungjeon. When Ha Ryun says that he seems anxious because there is no Jungjeon, Won-kyung tries to establish his position. Bang-won asks for the color of garae to be harmed, but Won-kyung refuses and insists on his position.

Won-kyung advises Gwonseon not to bet everything on his love for the king, but to find a reason to live in the palace on his own. This is a very meaningful advice given the background of the times. Chaeryeong is confident that the only person who will establish order between the justice lord and himself is the state funeral.

With the news that the Gaebyeol candles in the northeast are moving, the banquet plan of Jungjeon is delivered, and Bang-won instructs Chaeryeong to find information. With the news that Taesang is in poor health, Won-kyung carefully examines the current situation and intensifies the conflict with Bang-won.

Eventually, Won-kyung finds Chaeryeong surrounding her stomach, and it is revealed that Chaeryeong has resigned, showing her willingness to give birth to a prince. This heralds a big change in the political situation and the relationship between the characters in the future. Won-kyung warns Chaeryeong not to "put yourself on the precipice," but it is questionable whether Chaeryeong understands this.


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