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The Queen Who Crowns Episode 6

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댓글 0건 조회 460회 작성일 25-01-22 11:25


Won-kyung warns that he will be kicked out unless he delivers proper information, and Min-je advises avoiding meeting private informants. Under pressure to show the strength of the Min family, Jung-jeon issues an order to pay the price of a civil servant.

Bang-won tries to hide his fear by drinking more, and Won-kyung gives him strength and supports him in a historical context. Bang-won feels that the qualities of kings are superior to him through the telescope, and each other's existence gives them a great boost.

Chaeryeong quietly tries to settle the child down, delivering news of her meeting with someone. She hints at an encounter with someone, but gives no details. Seo complains about comparing Jungjeon to Sanggung, and Wonkyung is looking forward to the prince's birth.

Won-kyung disciplines Yang-nyeong and emphasizes that he must constantly settle down to become a king. Chaeryeong brings back the food given to her by the king, and expresses her conviction that the child in her womb is her child.

Pan-su meets Wongyeong and delivers the news of the Yeo-jin tribe's joining forces, and Bang-won considers the people of Joseon considering the danger of fighting. Ha-ryun explains to Bang-won the energy of the reverse body and wonders about the energy of the king of the mid-war.

Chaeryeong asks her to consider the geomungo of the court owner, saying that it interferes with prenatal education. Wongyeong deals with the court lady's request and sheds light on the woman's relationship with political purposes. Upon hearing of Bang-won's dispatch, Won-kyung shows her willingness to help him.

Bang prepares a face-to-face encounter with Lee Seong-gye, when he has no choice but to move alone. Lee Seong-gye threatens to kill Bang, and he persuades him to emphasize that the future of Joseon depends on his death. Bang declares that he will pay the people the price of his death.

Finally, Bang-won brings King Taesang and reveals his vigilance against Min's forces, and decides to visit Seoul. He warns that if he opposes, he will investigate and confiscate Min's property.

Chaeryeong's child is born Hamnyeong-gun, and Bang-won understands Chaeryeong's intention to put Lee Sook-beon behind her. Bang-won and Won-kyung decide to go to Hanyang Cheondo at the expense of many sacrifices, and Lee Seong-gye warns Bang-won, who is afraid to cut off the Jungjeon family.

The end of the episode marks the beginning of a fight between the two dragons, with conflicts and tensions between Bang-won and the telescope. They rely on each other for their own goals, but at the same time, they are becoming threats against each other.


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Total 262건 1 페이지
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