The Queen Who Crowns Episode 9 > news

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The Queen Who Crowns Episode 9

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댓글 0건 조회 275회 작성일 25-02-04 16:19


It revolves around complex political conspiracies and conflicts related to the crown prince's house within the dynasty. Wonkyung plays an important role in presiding over the first crown prince's house since the dynasty was founded, and she feels a grave responsibility that it will be a precedent and remain in history. However, when the daughter of Prince Ahn Sung-gun Lee Sook-beon was pushed to the end of the war, Wonkyung decides that she cannot accept her. Lee Sook-beon's daughter is framed by a case in which she took a bribe from Bamgol Kim, which deepens Wonkyung's troubles.

After hearing about Lee Sook-beon's daughter, Won-kyung witnesses Kim Han-ro's daughter taking care of slaves at home. Won-kyung predicts that Kim Han-ro's daughter will compete with Lee Sook-beon's daughter, and contemplates the impact of this situation on the political dynamics of the dynasty. Bang-won emphasizes that Lee Sook-beon's daughter is a pillar of military power, and asks her to consider her positively. This is also a statement that suggests that Bang-won will actually choose Lee's daughter as a crown prince.

Won-kyung proposes a battle contest to solve the problem of pro-Jam-rye. He teaches young girls how to weave and plans to set up a vero crown prince bean that they have made for three days. However, Lee's daughter is confused by Won-kyung's decision to punish the cheating family's fishermen. Won-kyung judges that Lee's daughter lacks qualities and leaves open the possibility of naming Kim Han-ro's daughter as the crown prince.

Lee Sook-beon's daughter memorizes the calligraphy saying to be afraid of the people, but her actions are betraying the responsibility of the people. Won-kyung concludes that she lacks the qualities of a crown prince and thinks of choosing Kim Han-ro's daughter as a crown prince. Chaeryeong advises that the crown prince not be the only way to win the trust of the prize, but to catch the master.

Chaeryeong says she will punish the fishermen of Lee Sook-beon's family for committing the wrongdoings, and stresses that she is striving not to be ignored by the crown prince. Bang-won announces that he will pardon the figures related to Bamgol Kim in honor of the crown prince's wedding, further raising tensions between the relatives.

Minje's pain is revealed in Yeogang's remarks that it is because Sang is about to abandon the Min brothers. Minje grieves for his situation and claims that Won-kyung and himself are the only ones who can understand the current situation. In this complicated political situation, the conflict with the Min brothers continues to intensify despite the military's insubordinate opposition to Sang.

After the memorial service for Prince Yeohung, Bang-won exiled Minmugu and Minmugil to Jeju, and executed Pan-su for making him violate the king's order. Pan-su delivers his calling to Jung-jeon, and vows not to trouble him even if he dies. Won-gyeong condemns the sacrifice of innocent people, and Bang-won expresses regret for Jung-jeon.

Chaeryeong realizes that she is responsible for making the sadal, and Won-kyung, who has never thrown it away, declares that she will abandon Chaeryeong. Won-kyung emphasizes the fact that the people are not receiving the necessary relief and decides to leave for Hoeamsa Temple to solve this problem. He leaves a message for the Crown Prince to not forget the situation of the people, emphasizing that he should always look out of the public even if he lives in it.

Finally, Pan-su asks the Crown Prince to find those who bribed him to carry out the final orders of the Yuan Dynasty, reminding him of the reality that the people are not receiving the relief they deserve. These events provide an opportunity to shed new light on the power struggles within the dynasty and the responsibility for the people.


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